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  • Writer's pictureDaphnee Deleon



My wedding scrapbook

When it comes to weddings, it can be stressful with a the little details. The best way to stay sane is to be organized. Whether its your niche or not, you will make your life so much easier down the road. Plus, when you are more organized, you have less chances for forgetting something or having something go wrong. 

“Either you are a notebook, scrapbook or binder kind of person, find your own way to be organized. ”

Grab your partner! See visual examples of what they like by having them help you make your scrapbook!


  1. Gather information. Grab different wedding magazines, look through it for things that stand out! Anything from color swatches, quotes, wallpaper patterns or even home items. Shoot! Grab your favorite scenes from a movie or song lyrics! 

  2. The next step is finding your style for the event. Anything that inspires you and try to find a common thread. Visual examples are a must. Let's say you want a "classy" theme for your wedding; however, your definition is classy in an old fashion way. One of the vendors might think "classy" as a elegant ballroom theme.  Having color swatches and pictures are a perfect way that everyone is on the same page.   Go to my blog on "How to find your style"

  3. Make sure everything is in the same place. This way if you need to see vendor contract or information, you don't need to check four places before finding it. I'd recommend keeping it all with your binder or notebook, if you don't want to tape/glue it in, glue an envelope in and put papers in there! If you prefer digital, keep it all the same. Get an email for all information corresponding with wedding-related conversations and information.  ​ Things you might want to keep together: a vendor contact information, copies of notes or proposals from meetings with vendors,  all recipes and contracts with any and all vendors.

  4. Finally, take one step at a time. Don't hire vendors until you nailed a date. Don't look at too many vendors in a day, you can wear yourself out. Don't book a band before getting your venue that might not  have room (or allow) for a band. Take one baby step at a time. If you need help to figure out what to do first, contact me! That is what wedding planners are for! Or, if you just need a coordinator, I am here if you need someone to make sure everything goes to plan and as smoothly as possible. 

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